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Cookie Policy

Last updated 18 May 2018

In order to improve our website and the services we provide to you, we use small files called cookies to store small bits of information on your device. Cookies help us to provide you with the best experience of our websites, enabling you to login, shop online, and generally personalise your online experience.

This policy should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.

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Why do we use cookies?

To do a few different things, such as:

  • to remember information about you so you don’t have to give it to us repeatedly
  • to keep you signed in
  • to allow you to use features on our website like the shopping cart when you book tickets
  • to help us understand how people are using our website, so we can improve it
  • to help us personalise the Almeida Theatre to you by remembering your preferences and settings


What cookies do we use?

Some features of our website, wouldn’t work without cookies. These cookies are known as “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. They are always on when you visit our website and, for example, allow you to use a shopping cart when you place an order. You can’t turn these off.

Performance/Analytics cookies
These cookies, such as Google Analytics help us understand how people are using our website, so we can make it better. They allow us, for example, to recognise and count the number of visitors to our website and see how they move around the website. The information is collected anonymously. You can turn these off in your browser settings. Read Google’s Privacy Policy here for more information.

Functional cookies
These help us personalise the website for you by remembering your preferences and settings and whether you have visited our website before. You can turn these off in your browser settings.

These cookies are used to track your journey from outside our website through to when you leave our website or checkout when purchasing tickets. They allow us to target our marketing campaigns for our productions and other activities more effectively as we can see if a visitor has come to our website having clicked on an advert we have placed elsewhere on the internet.

Third party cookies
These cookies are set on your device by the operators of other websites to better understand how you interact with their services, to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing to their services. These include cookies set by social media websites whose feeds or other content we include on our own website (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube). Also, if you share a link to a page on our website, the social media service you use to share it may set a cookie on your browser. We have no control over third party cookies, but you can turn them off by using the settings in your browser. Please check the privacy policy of the third party website for further information about these cookies.


Managing cookies

When you first visit our website, we’ll tell you about our cookies and ask you to agree if we can use them. You can always change your mind later by altering the settings in your browser.

Most web browsers allow you to control the cookies stored on your computer through your browser’s settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been stored on your device and to manage or delete them, visit

You may choose to remove or block cookies at any time, except for the “strictly necessary” ones, by adjusting your browser settings, but in some cases, this may impact your experience of our website and mean you can’t use certain functions.